Stuffed mushrooms and creamed spinach are two favorite side dishes that have been combined into...
Veggie Nuggets are a fun food to feed the kids. There are no fillers, artificial ingredients...
Even vegetarians have cravings for big, juicy meatballs. Now they can have them, with this...
Take advantage of the variety of seasonal vegetables making an appearance in your farmer's...
Egg rolls are a popular Chinese appetizer. This wonton parcel is stuffed with a myriad of...
Take a look at the most recent offerings from that awesome web channel; The Sweetest Vegan.
A caprese sandwich is a fresh meatless meal. Homemade basil pesto is layered with fresh...
People often assume that tofu is bland and tasteless. This recipe for sesame seared tofu says...
These vegetable-stuffed enchiladas are so filling and satisfying you'll forget they don't...
Sweet and sour cauliflower with pineapple from Keepin it Kind is a vegan Chinese inspired dish that...
Dolsot bibimbap is a classic Korean dish of rice, sometimes meat (though not on Meatless Monday!),...
Grated cauliflower cooked with green peas,tomato and mild spices
Helen Koval from Helen's Cooking shares her recipe of healthy vegan breakfast: celery, pumpkin...
Caponata is the super-hero of dishes: is it an aperitif? Is it a main dish? Is it a side? Or, is...
Pasta Primavera with miso dressing is an Asian twist on this classic Italian dish. Fusili...
Collard green wraps from Ivy's Smush Bowl are a totally healthy yet delicious meal. ...
Garlic spaghetti with white wine reduction is a simple meal that will make you feel like you're...
At the end of the Easter holiday, you are no doubt left with dozens of colorful eggs. Put...