These vegetarian meatballs are a hearty meatless meal. "Beef" crumbles are combined with...
Whether you are throwing a party or just want to cook up a small bite to eat, these jalapeno corn...
I remember tasting pineapple kesari for the first time in one of the weddings. Ever since I tasted...
Brown rice and lentil burgers are a delicious vegetarian main dish. We often presume that...
Craving the smoky flavor of bacon and the creamy sharpness of Cheddar cheese, but you're living...
Grilling romaine imparts a smoky sweetness that takes the lettuce to another level. In this easy...
You don't have to be vegan to fall in love with this baked beans recipe. The smoky flavor in...
Fresh corn often doesn't need to be messed with, its natural sweetness is often all it takes to...
These stuffed Portobello mushrooms from Citron Limette are inspired by summer vegetables. ...
Spinach ricotta quiche is a meatless meal you can enjoy for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. This...
Southwestern quinoa casserole from Pinch of Yum is a quick and easy gluten-free meal. Spiced...
Not all noodles are created equal! Tofu Shirataki noodles are not only low on the glycemic index...
Spring beet salad is a light and refreshing meatless meal. Chunks of tender beets are...
Colcannon is a traditional Irish dish usually consisting of potatoes and cabbage or kale. It's...
Meatless Monday is a long-standing campaign that asks people to forgo eating meat for one day a...
This Spinach and potato crescent roll ring is great anytime, but mom will especially love the fancy...
We love the spicy and bold flavors of Korean barbecue but have been eating less meat these days. So...
Turkish bulgur salad wrapped in grape leaves from Give Recipe is a filling meatless meal. ...
If you are looking for a lighter Cinco de Mayo meal, try this vegetarian taco salad. Instead...