Slow cooker spinach lasagna is an easy vegetarian meal. To create this Italian casserole,...
This Moroccan chickpea salad from Le Delicieux is a spicy fall salad. Chickpeas, also known...
Vegetarian chili is guaranteed to warm you up on cool fall evenings. This recipe is loaded...
I had never made Eggplant Parmesan, so I decided to consult my cookbooks to see how it was done. It...
While browsing Pinterest a couple weeks ago, I saw a recipe for mini pizzas that used slices of...
If you are looking for ways to encourage your child to eat more vegetables, turn to their school...
Pasta e Fagioli simply means pasta and beans. This soup is really easy to make and is packed with...
The other day, after wiping out the boys at the park they both passed out in the car and continued...
Instead of the usual turkey and cheese for lunch, try this totally delicious paneer sandwich...
Fajita vegan quesadillas are a dynamite meal. Flour tortillas are loaded with fresh veggies and...
Light, yet satisfying vegetarian meal. Easy suggestion: cauliflower and millet mash is a great side...
Broccoli crunch salad is a quick and easy vegan meal. Broccoli florets are paired with sweet...
Have a healthy weeknight dinner with this Quinoa and Edamame Salad from These Peas Are Hollow. Some...
Garlic smashed potatoes from Smira Chandra is a simple yet satisfying side dish. These...
While most people will be utilizing the grill for steaks, burgers, and hot dogs, there is no reason...
Skip the French fries this week and try panko-crusted eggplant fries instead from Oh My Veggies....
This tomato, basil and goat cheese quiche from Delightful Mom is a seasonal meatless meal. ...
This is a great low fat high protein vegetarian meal!
Sharp flavors of goat cheese hits your tongue after the warm buttery crust. With random bites, you...
This Italian sandwich recipe features grilled vegetables that are layered and pressed within a...