I love meat but let's face it, it's much healthier for our planet and our bodies if we don...
This is the recipe for the flourless brownies were adapted from Skinnytaste. The skinny mint...
Rosemary cauliflower flatbread with avocado and hummus from Begin with Nutrition is a ...
Fries have gone far beyond the humble potato. Now you can find fries made from a variety of...
Having stayed with Sis and her family for a few weeks now, it was nice to cook up healthier...
We love the fresh and bold flavors of Vietnamese cuisine and find this healthy salad simply...
Why not celebrate National Banana Cream Pie Day, by making this delicious Raw Banana Cream Pie...
Everyone loves a good mac n' cheese recipe but these macaroni and cheese fritters from Amuse...
This is a fabulous recipe for a purely vegetarian burger that has all the moistness and flavor of...
Upma is a traditional Indian breakfast made with semolina and a variety of vegetables. ...
This is the easiest vegetable pot pie recipe you'll ever make. Canned cream soup and vegetables...
Vegan risotto primavera from Amuse Your Bouche is a delicious and healthy meal. ...
Balsamic blueberry grilled cheese from Amanda K. by the Bay is filled with flavors from the...
Kale baked eggs is a healthy way to start the day. Rich in vitamin K, Vitamin A, protein...
Baby eggplants simmered in cashew coconut gravy
Spring will be making an appearance soon and this spring onion and asparagus frittata celebrates...
Minestrone soup is a healthy and hearty vegetarian dish. The beauty of minestrone soup is...
Pasta with greens and mushrooms is a perfect way to use winter vegetables. You can use any...
Cauliflower is an inexpensive vegetable that is easy to cook and tastes great. For this dish...
Springtime will be here faster than you know it. This strawberry mango quinoa salad is a...