Start your day with a Raw Breakfast Parfait with Spirulina Milk by Modern Veganista
Romesco is a raw red pepper and almond sauce that originates from Spain. Gaby from What...
Cast Iron Sweet Potatoes with a maple, coconut drizzle, and a sprinkle of sage
A delicious vegetarian dish with paneer (Indian cottage cheese)
Juicing can be one of the best ways to take in your daily amount of fruits and veggies in a single...
Mexican casserole from Pinch of Yum is a boldly flavored family meal. Corn tortillas are...
Tofu scrambles are a great source of protein for non-meat eaters. This recipe from...
Tofu enchiladas are a meatless Mexican meal the whole family will love. Taco seasoned tofu is...
These tasty tofu tacos allow vegetarians to join in the Cinco de Mayo festivities. Cubes...
Vegan black bean tacos from Delicious Knowledge are a flavorful Mexican meal. Canned...
Creamy and peppery pesto with roasted cauliflower and aspragus
It can happen to everyone to end up with leftovers of rice. Well to me it happens quite often....
Or Father-in-law’s birthday cake. This Lemon Cake is literally melting in your mouth. It has that...
Recreate the feel and flavor of a cheesy pizza through the smooth, creamy puree of eggplant, olive...
Roasted sweet potato and quinoa soup from Noshing with the Nolands is a healthy meal. ...
Seared halloumi tacos featured by Aida Mollenkamp (via Feast by Sarah Copeland) is a...
Gluten- free Caribbean empanadas with mango salsa from Our Four Folks is a tropical twist on...
Thai veggie burgers from Ligonberry Jam is jam packed with bright flavors. The...
Vegan quinoa salad from Omaha Steaks is delicious and nutritious. Quinoa is a...
This is a fabulous tasting mushroom sauce! We cooked the sauce with dried Morels (at about $8/oz)...