Potato and Swiss chard enchiladas are a new take on a Mexican favorite. Instead of...
A no yogurt parfait that is healhty, dairy free, gluten free with lots of protein . For more...
Crispy zucchini topped with garlic, cheese, tomatoes and basil, and then baked until golden and...
Yeast free, Vegan and Healthy pizza base recipe for all the pizza lovers who wants to maintain a...
Sun-dried tomato & basil spread, perfect on everything from crudites to sandwiches. Easy and...
Cookbook authors Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarbrough have crafted a collection of 150 recipes that...
A quick, vegan, high fiber and glutenfree lunch option to add variety to your healthy diet.
Butternut squash and black bean chili is meat-free meal that even carnivores will love. This...
We are kind of obsessed with the one pot pasta method. It doesn't get any simpler than...
The Sun-dried tomato and garlic dip is based on Greek yoghurt, which replaces equally mayonnaise,...
The Curried Pea Dip is based on Greek yoghurt, which replaces equally mayonnaise, cream cheese,...
We've said it time and time again, when your schedule is jam packed, pasta is one of the...
For those people who say vegetarian cuisine is boring, I say you've never had tofu coconut...
Labor Day is about soaking up the remaining summer sun, good food, and creating moments with...
A tasty twist on traditional hummus, easy to make, and tastes so much better homemade! Serve as a...
Since Indian cuisine is primarily a plant based diet, lentils are a key source of protein....
A vegetarian taco encompasses a large category that could a dish as simple as a corn tortillas...
This Asian-inspired quinoa salad is packed full of nutrient rich ingredients, is vegan, gluten-free...
If your used to meat being at the center of the plate, replacing it with vegetables may be...