Middle Eastern inspired lentil bowl with grilled veggies, tahini-yogurt sauce and crispy roasted...
Caprese quinoa salad from Averie Cooks is a light and healthy Meatless Monday dish....
Whether your vegetarian or not, Meatless Monday is an opportunity to expand your horizons in the...
Crispy Eggplant with Creamy Cheese and Tomato Sauce
For many people, summertime the best time of year, but it can be difficult if you are living the...
Roasted Carrots, Zucchini and Peppers with Seasoned Black Beans and Salsa
Tempeh is a vegetarian and vegan staple. This fermented soy bean product is texturally and...
Quinoa's rise in popularity may fool you into thinking that it's a new food but quinoa...
These burgers are super hearty and flavorful, they are packed with black beans, brown rice, bell...
An easy, quick & refreshing bread and tomato salad!
Now, while the idea of watermelon jerky may sound impossible at first, ("But it's almost...
Veggie burgers have a bad reputation but this meaty mushroom burger from Food Wishes changes...
Wild rice and kale salad from Cali Zona is a vegetarian dish that's packed with flavor and...
That's a healthy chocolate spread with no added sugar but still with a sweet taste! So good...
Strawberry spinach salad from I Wash...You Dry is a light and healthy springtime meal. ...
Honey sriracha tofu from When I Ate is a vegan dish full of flavor. Tofu is the perfect...
This Asian inspired kale salad from Terra Americana is as healthy as it is tasty. Kale leaves...
Pesto and peas are a phenomenal flavor combination. This spring pea pesto pizza from What...
Eggs are a great source of protein when you are abstaining from meat. Italian baked eggs from...