Vegan meatloaf is a meat-free version of this classic comfort food. Tofu is blended with barbecue...
Eggs, especially those raised from pasture raised hens, are an important part of our diet. We eat...
These pan-fried vegetable fritters are a healthy and colorful way to spice up your weeknight...
Today's offering is biscotti made with Meyer lemons and filled with dried wild blueberries....
Creamy asparagus soup from Delish D'Lites sings of spring. This luscious soup is so...
Chickpea tacos with avocado slaw from Stew or a Story is a different kind of vegetarian meal...
Lasagna stuffed Portobello mushrooms meld two delicious Italian dishes. Large Portobello...
Easter is coming up and I am sure some of you are starting to think about your menu, or what is...
Latkes have been eaten for several thousand years all over Europe and the middle East. Modern...
Hummus is a wonderful food for both it's rich flavor and high protein content as well as it...
Smoky sweet potato soup is a quick and easy meatless meal. Roasted smashed sweet potatoes are...
Sweet and spicy orange glazed tempeh is a delicious vegan dish. Tempeh is a fermented soy cake that...
We love easy “bowl food.” A few simple ingredients already on hand make lunchtime meals...
This healthy and easy chili recipe is perfect for lunch, especially for those of us who want...
This maple and curry acorn squash dish perfectly blends sweet and savory flavors.
our friend Joanna from Ireland evolved it and added her special spice "Dill Salt". We...
Looking for a low fat, healthy option for lunch or dinner? This easy rice bowl takes just minutes...
Despite it's rather lumpy, strange appearance, there is few reasons not to enjoy a good loaf of...
We often have a craving for a pasta dish. We start by searching the frig and pantry for ingredients...
Vegetable and tofu pad thai is a lighter version of this favorite take-out dish. Strands of rice...