Onion-Tomato veggie is a North-Indian special recipe. This is one of my favorite veggie because...
Toasted sweet potato gnocchi with vegetables and hazelnuts is a tantalizing fall meal. ...
Under 500 calories nutritious meal to satisfy hungry tummy. Read more at http://www.kiipfit.com/one...
Grilled vegetables make up this version of ratatouille, served over charred bread and topped with...
Baked sweet potatoes are a simple yet versatile side dish to accompany an array of fall meals....
These vegetable side dishes are a snap to make and with only 5 ingredients, they can be on the...
Indian food is ideal for the slow cooker. Eggplant with yogurt and saffron from Neela Paniz...
Vegetarian chili can be just as delicious as its classic meaty counterpart. This recipe...
Cauliflower, along with potatoes and eggplant, is a staple vegetable in the Indian diet. ...
This is a great tasting yet simple snack for after school nibbling or as a topping on your favorite...
Garden fresh corn and zucchini are folded into orzo pasta along with plenty of fresh herbs and feta...
Chili is an iconic fall meal. Whether it's because our taste buds crave a bowl filled...
Bourbon apple butternut squash soup with roasted kale and pumpkin seeds from Kale, Glorious Kale by...
Catherine Walthers new book, Kale, Glorious Kale, shares 140 delicious and unique ways to prepare...
Stuffed Peppers are a simple and satisfying meal. If you have the time make a bigger batch and...
'Tis the season of the sweet potato. Whether it makes a weekly appearance on the dinner...
Fall brings cooler weather, pumpkins, and comfort food. These delicious vegetarian recipes...
Vegan meals get a bad rap but with the right ingredients and recipe, they can be as delicious as...
A lightened up but comforting veggie lasagna for those nights when you need to whip something up...
This isn’t your typical potato salad! Sweet potatoes + cranberries + pecans+ chives + amazing...