Easy instructions for how to make perfect homemade popcorn ever single time
This vibrant bowl of soup is making every effort to remind me that spring really is only weeks away...
Easy to make, healthy and a great spicy twist on the classic porridge.
This completely homemade pizza and be adapted easily if you already have premade crust or sauce -...
Tabbouleh is a refreshing Levantine herb salad. Chopped tomatoes, cucumber, red onion and...
Tangy spicy and super super delicious carrots!
If you are a novice cook, soups are a great way to boost your confidence in the kitchen. They...
The thing I love about stuffed bell peppers is that you can fill them with just about anything and...
Vegetable bowls are a versatile meal that have an unlimited amount of options. You can taste...
6 ingredient Cookie Bars - you probably have everything you need already!
Snack away those hunger pains with this healthy roasted red pepper hummus! Vegan and gluten free!
Cheesy Spinach Stuffed Shells - a quick and easy vegetarian weeknight meal!
Vegetarian shepherd's pie is a hearty winter meal even though it is missing the meat. A...
This delicious green power salad makes it easy to eat your vegetables. Mixed greens and fresh...
Togarashi tofu fries are a light and crispy appetizer inspired by Japanese flavors. A...
This flavorful salad will surprise and delight your taste buds with a gentle roasted citrus flavors...
Today I have something for vegetarians or Chilean food lovers! Empanada is stuffed pastry baked or...
Buffalo chicken wings are a staple at most Super Bowl parties. While carnivores chow down on...