Looking for a new pasta sauce? Try peasto (pea pesto)
Fresh and light, this mango salsa is great as an appetizer or as a topping for tacos. And best of...
Mexican is always a crowd pleaser, especially on Cinco de Mayo. These vegetarian recipes are so...
Warmer weather means more outdoor entertaining. If your guests are vegetarian, these spicy tofu and...
Easy Cherry Hand Pies - only 4 ingredients - Easy step by step instructions with photos.
Move over potato salad, creamy cauliflower salad will be the new favorite summer salad. ...
This Green Sesame Hummus is packed full of amazing flavour and goodness. It only takes five...
Golden French toast sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon and topped with perfectly cooked eggs baked...
A flavourful, eastern dessert, very easy to make and great for a dinner table
Lemon Sage Bean Dip from Loaves and Dishes will excite your next dinner party or even liven up your...
The beloved hasselback potato is covered in a garlicky chimichurri sauce and makes a healthy, easy...
This Ginger Banana Cake with chocolate is almost too good to handle. It’s even better knowing that...
A super easy fresh tomato galette, a perfect summer dish
A simple, yet delicious and warming tomato soup. It only requires a few stable ingredients, 2...
Homemade vegan sushi is easier than it looks. This video recipe shows you how to prepare...
What's better than crunchy herbed croutons on a fresh green salad? Homemade herbed croutons...
A delicious, fresh, colourful and no bake savoury cheesecake, ideal for summer days
This Chocolate Banana smoothie is fresh, delicious and nutritious. It really is the perfect snack.
Southwestern spaghetti squash bowls are an innovative way to eat this unique vegetable. Most...
Meatless sandwiches are often labeled as tasteless and boring. This avocado and goat cheese...