Healthy and vegan snack with only 26 calories. Ready in 15 minutes and so flavorful.
Vegetarian spaghetti and meatballs are a healthy meal that will even satisfy picky carnivores....
This Roasted Tomato and Garlic Quiche has those awesome Caprese flavors!
Creamy corn casserole is just a combination of cornbread mix, sour cream, eggs, sugar, butter, and...
The best way to describe a tostada is as an open faced taco. A crispy tortilla is loaded with...
Snowed in? Whip up this easy, three-ingredient Snow Ice Cream in just minutes. Kids will love...
This Fudge Pie with Salted Caramel Sauce will tingle the “everything is wonderful” center in your...
This delicious zesty Southwest Corn Sauce is DELICIOUS on EVERYTHING! Vegetarian and Vegan...
These perfectly fluffy pancakes made with whole wheat flour, pumpkin, and delicious cinnamon and...
In my opinion, eating healthy begins with cooking. By taking food preparation into your own...
Tomato Herbed Spelt Bread - Healthy and flavorful bread baked in the home oven
Healthy desserts are no longer off limits to vegans. The following is a list of flavorful desserts...
Quinoa burrito bowls are a healthy meal that is can be prepared in under 30 minutes. Whether...
Sweet and sour, I just can't get enough of this recipe at the moment. Luckily it fits into my...
Dark leafy greens should be incorporated into your diet on a daily basis. Kale is rich in...
These green beans are cooked to a perfect crisp tender consistency and tossed in a fig balsamic...
These Parmesan Stuffed Mushrooms are always a huge hit at dinner parties. The cheese crispy filling...
This mixed greens salad pairs beets with blue cheese and toasted pecans. Tossed with a homemade...
Glutenfree and vegan post holiday healthy soup