These black bean burgers from Katy's Kitchen are the perfect vegetarian meal for Labor Day....
These veggie pita pizzas are a simple meatless meal. With only 280 calories per pizza, you do...
The dog days of summer may be dwindling down but that doesn’t mean the flow of tomatoes coming from...
Oreo Brownies are just to die for. These chewy, rich, dark chocolate brownies are ideal for...
An old recipe that my grandmother used to prepare for her family during hard financial times......
Tofu "egg" salad is a vegetarian dish packed with protein. Firm tofu is chopped...
Grilled vegetable and pineapple salad from Living the Gourmet is a healthy way to enjoy summer'...
This Lentil & Eggplant Lettuce Taco recipe is a great example of clean eating, its full of...
When I was growing up I remember my mama making this delicious broccoli salad, it's the...
A wonderful summer take on pasta salad. It’s definitely not your traditional pasta salad made form...
This is a perfect low carb healthy satisfying dish for summer..skip the noodles and make zucchini...
Ah, its that time of year, the time when zucchini blossoms {flowers} start showing up in specialty...
Vegan quesadillas are a quick and easy meatless meal. Whole wheat vegan tortillas are...
Pan con tomate (bread with tomato) is a simple Spanish pleasure, and with tomatoes in season it...
Kale and blood orange quinoa salad is a light and bright meal. This super healthy salad is...
Lentil lettuce cups from Vegan Yumminess is a healthy Tex-Mex meal. Onions, bell pepper, and...
While the omnivore may have crab cakes, the vegetarian can indulge with these crispy cauliflower...
We could all benefit from more vegetables in our diet. This snap pea slaw from 80twenty is...
These stuffed beefsteak tomatoes from Burnt Carrots are a simple way to prepare summer tomatoes....
Grilled Portobello and poblano tacos are a vegetarian summer meal that will even please meat eaters...