Celebrate the sweetness of spring with a stunning pie bursting with the flavor of fresh, seasonal...
Refried bean and avocado tostadas are a tasty meatless meal. Crispy corn tortillas are topped...
The James Beard Foundation recently announced the three finalists in the “Vegetable Focused...
Kale is a healthy vegetable that provides many vitamins, anti-cancer properties and helps lower...
This Meatless Monday transport yourself to India with vegetable korma and Basmati rice. This...
Scotch eggs, a London favorite, are a super tasty snack. For this vegetarian version, the...
Vegetarian quinoa soup is a quick and easy meal for any night of the week. This versatile...
Falafel is a Middle Eastern dish made from a mixture of pureed chick peas and herbs and spices....
Broccoli and mushroom whole wheat pasta is a healthy meatless meal. Broccoli florets are...
A delicate green smoothie made with fresh kale leaves, coconut milk and fresh pineapple. Great idea...
It turns out that Food Network Star Aarón Sanchez isn't the only cook in the family. His...
Bikini season is just around the corner so if you're looking to shed a couple extra winter...
This sweet and nutty kale salad from betacyanin is a nutrition-packed meal. This seasonal...
Ricky Martin is the newest celebrity to enter the vegetarian club. Martin told his Twitter...
If you think being meat-free is flavorless, this grilled veggie sandwich from The Veggie and...
This vegetable soup is so easy you don't need a written recipe. Watch the video below as chef...
Looking for an easy dinner recipe? These kid-friendly vegetarian lasagna cups are a meal the whole...
MeatlessMonday.com has a free new e-cookbook that features 10 of the best chili recipes out...
This warm quinoa salad is dressed with a punchy homemade orange hazelnut pesto. It’s then...