Vegan slow cooked refried beans from Vegan in the Freezer is one delicious way to satisfy a craving...
Bethenny Frankel says her daughter Bryn Hoppy, who is 2-years-old, chose to be a vegetarian....
Shania Twain has just started a two-year stint in Las Vegas. While her schedule is grueling, Twain...
This detox salad is packed with nutrient rich kale (for vibrant skin and a youthful glow), crunchy...
This Meatless Monday, go global and try Betty Crocker's roasted squash and sweet potato...
Coconut cream vegetable is a new take on a traditional winter dish. An assortment of...
Hayden Panettiere revealed that she was once a vegetarian, but the meat-free diet didn't last...
After spending the weekend indulging on Thanksgiving leftovers, it's time to give your body a...
If you are celebrating Thanksgiving vegetarian style, this homemade Tofurkey is a must-make main...
Paul McCartney teamed up with PETA to urge Americans to stop eating turkey this Thanksgiving....
It looks like pumpkin pie, it smells like pumpkin pie but it is not pumpkin pie. This one has a...
Surprise your vegan and vegetarian guest at the Thanksgiving table with this vegan apple chestnut...
A tasty all raw vegan version of the traditional pumpkin pie. A perfect ending for a Thanksgiving...
Vegan wheat berry and roasted butternut squash stuffing from FEED Body & Soul is a Thanksgiving...
This gluten-free pasta salad from The Healthy Apple is a quick and easy lunch. Gluten-free...
This Thanksgiving put away you bag of spring mix and toss together this red yam and kale salad...
Looking for something really simple, healthy and full of flavor to make for lunch or dinner? This...
Twilight actress Christian Serratos has teamed up with PETA for a second time to encourage the...
Lately, I’ve been craving lots of light and vibrant meals – the sort of cuisine you...
Harissa roasted vegetables add a bit of spice to your Meatless Monday. Harissa, a North...