Roasted cauliflower steaks dusted with tangy sumac, pomegranates arils add crunch and sweetness....
Kale and bean soup is a delicious way to eat more vegetables. This light and healthy...
This light and healthy lentil and vegetable salad from Cooking with Michele will help you...
Tempeh sloppy Joe's from Chickypea are a healthy way to enjoy this American classic....
If you are recovering for a cold or just the holiday season, this rejuvenating lemongrass and...
Gluten-free pear, pecorino, and chard tart from So Let's Hang Out is a gourmet dish. ...
Adapted Recipe from Bon Appetit Magazine, October 2012 Issue Even though my family and I are gluten...
Curried pumpkin quinoa soup will help jumpstart your new health regime. This soup is so easy...
Vegan tofu scramble can be enjoyed for breakfast or dinner. Cubes of firm tofu are sauteed...
Kale is one superfood that will help keep you trim and fit. This marinated kale salad is just...
A delicious guilt free and carb free vegetarian lasagna. A tasty combination of eggplant and...
Start off the new year right with this light and healthy almond and apricot quinoa salad from...
Vegan kale, potato and sausage soup from OrganiKooK is a restorative dish. After the...
Fried goat cheese salad is a delicious winter vegetable dish. Mesclun greens are tossed with...
Curried cauliflower gratin is a comforting side dish. Cauliflower may get a bad rap but if...
This vegan eggnog shake is a super easy frozen treat. Eggnog is a traditional holiday...
Indian spiced butternut squash soup from Eats Well With Others is a warming meal. Kabocha...
Basil quinoa meatball subs from Spa Bettie are a comforting meatless meal. Cooked quinoa is paired...
I love these vegetable burgers because they are made with just a few ingredients, come together...
One of the most important things about any wedding is the food! Here are three celebs that chose to...