This nourishing Asian vegetable noodle soup is a healthy vegan meal. Zucchini, carrots, and...
Pea and potato samosas are a tasty Indian appetizer. Sweet peas are paired with tender...
This Kale and Beetroot salad recipe was created by Angela Hartnett of The Guardian. This kind of...
Soothing sweet potato coconut curry soup is the perfect remedy if you are feeling slightly under...
in an effort to get my boys to eat their broccoli, i created these patties. they loved them!...
Moroccan baked eggs, or shakshuka, are a simple but delicious meal. Eggs are cooked in a...
French onion soup is ideal meal for a cool winter's evening. This vegetarian version from...
The cold weather has us looking for hot food. Blossom Du Jour will warm you up while helping you...
Sunday Morning Banana Pancakes is known for it's delicious vegan recipes and these lentil...
These vegetable, bean and cheese enchiladas are an easy meat-free dinner. Peppers and...
Take a break from chicken noodle soup and make this vegetarian hot and sour soup instead. ...
This vegetable pizza from Tartine and Apron Strings is the ultimate diet friendly pizza. It...
I always loved these since I first ate them close to 40 years ago when a co-worker and my adoptive...
Brown rice and mushroom stuffed grape leaves from Gourmandelle are a meatless handheld...
Fresh gluten-free spring rolls with peanut sauce from Gluten-Free Taste of Home are a tasty...
This egg salad sandwich with avocado is possibly the easiest meatless meal you can make. Hard...
Nothing beats a bowl of steaming split pea soup, especially if it's made in the slow...
Foodista user Angela LeMoine shares her recipe for these super easy veggie melts....
For quite some time I've wanted to give a meatless burger a try. There really wasn't...
Creamy cauliflower and tomato soup from Healy Real Food Vegetarian is an immune boosting dish....