Cauliflower and kale pie by 1 Big Bite makes use of those early winter vegetables. Roasted...
Grilled tomato, basil and pepper Jack panini is a quick and easy vegan lunch. Crisp vegan sourdough...
Every time you think of sauce, do visions of dairy and oils fill your mind? This is a sauce with...
Provençal grilled cheese is a quick and easy meatless meal. A plain grilled cheese is already...
I am pretty certain that any meal can be made better with the addition of chocolate. Here is a...
Actress and Dancing With the Stars all-star, Kelly Monaco, recently revealed her biggest diet...
Red lentil curry is a tasty gluten-free and vegan dish. Lentils are a great source of protein...
Sweet potato flatbread from Simply Irresistible is a delicious meatless meal. Cubes of sweet...
The illusive white truffle is in season, found shaved over dishes all across the "Truffle...
As an animal activist, it is no surprise that Bob Barker is a vegetarian. The former television...
This healthy tofu salad is quick and easy to make and won't break your budget. Published...
'Tis the season for dinner and cocktail parties, but that doesn't mean you have to...
Butternut squash ravioli with wild mushrooms is seasonal dish that highlights fall flavors. ...
Rappers Method Man and Redman have both adopted a vegetarian diet. Apparently the duo were inspired...
This vegan broccoli soup from Healthy Kitschy Vegan is a healthy dinner option. You will feel...
Avocado egg rolls from The Crucian Contessa are an awesome appetizer. Creamy cubes of avocado...
Pasta In White sauce is a delicious Italian dish made from adding pasta to flour, garlic, milk and...
White bean and spinach pasta is a quick and easy meal for any night of the week. Cooked pasta...
This butternut squash and black bean stew with kale from Flamingo Musings is a hearty meatless meal...
Gluten-free vegetarian tostadas by Oishii Treats are totally delicious. This...