Vegetable delight, low calorie, healthy and simple and easy to prepare.
Recipe submitted by: hemsweller on 6th April 2011 on
As often happens in my kitchen, random circumstances are what give rise to this or that dish. In...
Whether you are a vegetarian or just love veggies, Mark Bittman’s culinary bible, How to Cook...
I love lasagna, and want a way to make individual servings realistic. This is the perfect method....
Ingredientes: 8 papas medianas 5 hojas de laurel 5 dientes de ajo 1 limón 1 rama de canela 1...
Power packed full of flavour, nutrients, healthy fats and happiness. This is a stable in my...
Takes 5 minutes to make, costs less than $6.00 and packed full of protein, vitamins and minerals,...
This is a quick and easy soup to prepare and lends itself to creative changes. If you want,...
So this is quite an exotic soup. I had purchased some cookbooks in Colombia and in one of them...
I have several vegetarian followers who often write to me and ask me how they can alter a recipe...
This was my Mother In Law's recipe, I know it's different from traditional sauces, but it is so...