This is an easy vegetarian dish to prepare for dinner. I love this dish because it's a great way...
I love the ingredients in this sauce I created for General Tso's Tempeh. I used dried red pepper,...
I created these delicious low-fat whole wheat molasses cookies to be both satisfying and healthy....
Delicious and full of flavor, these Vegan Samosa Wraps will be a hit in your home. Either make...
This recipe is a vegetarian one that combines carrots and rice flavored with spices that make this...
From an Oliver & Bonacini offering that they have at their establishments. No butter, oil, or...
I made this tasty & lovely gluten free & dairy free drink this afternoon. I drank it after...
Winter's offering of color and flavor... Natural sugars in the brussel sprouts, parsnips, onions,...
This salad was inspired by a mozzarella, fennel and cherry tomato salad from a local Seattle...
This fragrant Thai dish is sure to get your taste buds into action, and is ready in under an hour...
Taken from my blog
Spanish tapa. This homemade version means you don't have to visit Spain to enjoy this popular...
Notes: 1. You could also use frozen butternut squash chunks if you like. I would thaw them first...
This recipe has been adapted to be dairy-free. If dairy is not an issue for you, simply use...