A wonderful way to prepare eggs with fresh mushrooms and Parmesan cheese. Very easy to prepare.
The recipe is from 101 Cookbook's blog. I substituted two cups of broccoli for the pea shoots,...
The recipe is a slight modification of Tarla Dalal’s mango kulfi recipe
I love red bell peppers, but they generally run at a cost of about $2.99 each, which I cannot...
This is a delicious, simple, very colorful salad that's packed with veggie vites and is sure to...
There's a 24-hour dive here in my town that serves the greatest breakfast food known to man......
These muffins are super moist and satisfying! You'd never know they're vegan and full of healthy...
This recipe doubles and triples, etc. perfectly. For best taste, top with Sesame/soy topping
When you hear the term "Jell-O shot", what comes to mind? Maybe college parties,...
Absolutely wonderful vinaigrette that I developed for this fresh, light, fruit-enhanced spring...
Savory and satisfying, these mini zucchini pastry cups will make people think you've spent all day...
Spring and summer is the time for picnics and pasta salad - but what do you do if you're raw...
The "real recipe" calls for pine nuts instead of sunflower seeds, but I think pine nuts are just...