Add your favorite pizza toppings to cheese before the final grilling step.
Sweet, savory, soft, crunchy - carrots are incredibly versatile! Not a fan? These recipes are...
This sure ain’t your average 7 Layer Dip! No Dairy. No Gluten. Purely Simple n’...
Light and nutritious meal ideal for scorching summer days.
Chickpeas have dozens of nicknames: garbanzos, ceci beans, chana, Indian peas -- and my personal...
The ultimate in Italian imports, pizza is touted as America's favorite food - and...
British musician Morrissey is taking an active no-meat stance on his U.K. tour, according to the...
This Greek salad is packed with nutrients, and is deliciously light and flavorful. Perfect for...
Eggless baking is nothing short of a challenge - especially if you want to avoid artificial egg...
A seasonal favorite, garlic scapes are the tops of the garlic plant - the long curling stems...
This year marks the first time in the history of the Tour de France that someone will be...
Celebrate Meatless Monday with these fantastic, savory recipes for lunch or dinner! Excellent...
A simple, hearty dish that is naturally vegetarian/vegan, gluten free and dairy free! Lentils are...
In a recent issue of Psychology Today, Dr. Hal Herzog pursued an interesting statistic found by a...
Zucchini bread is hands down my favorite way to use up our annual abundance of this tasty summer...
With only 5 ingredients, this recipe is simple and incredibly elegant - not to mention tasty!...
A family favorite adapted from an old Martha Stewart recipe.
This soba noodle salad will wow everyone you serve it to. With the sweet and sour tang of mango...