a bowl of french onion soup defined a new food absolute for me. in possession of my first passport...
Gratins list among my favorite autumn dishes - based on a French technique, vegetables are thinly...
Known for their natural sweetness and signature crunch, carrots might be my favorite root vegetable...
This is a very simple recipe that was cooked for decades in mountainous part of Ukraine. It’s cheap...
Happy Friday everyone! Here's this week's collection of my favorite gluten free recipes...
Butternut squash is as much a part of autumn cooking as pumpkin and cinnamon. Usually used to make...
Asparagus is such an incredibly versatile vegetable! It can be grilled, roasted, braised, steamed,...
Smokey black bean soup with kale and sweet potato has bold flavors and is thoroughly satisfying....
Sometimes there's nothing better than a warm and comforting meal! This naturally vegetarian (...
A classic Mediterranean recipe! Red onions baked with feta, pine nuts and cilantro make a tasty...
A quick and easy treat, jalapeño poppers are a delicious appetizer for any crowd! This classic...
I’ve always been the type of person who thinks ‘what do I feel like cooking or baking this week?’...
Egg in a Basket is a classic breakfast idea - cut a hole in a piece of thick toast, place in...
Enchiladas can be as simple or as complicated a dish to make. This dish is so versatile, that...
Happy Friday! Looking for fun recipes to try over the weekend? Well here are my top 3 picks of this...
What better way to get your kids to eat their lunch? Make it cute! And fun! A little easier than...
Kristen Bell manages to stay in shape through a combination of an active lifestyle and a vegetarian...
A super simple gluten free & vegetarian recipe, perfect for entertaining! An easy side dish,...
A sign of summer, heirloom tomatoes are easily on my list of favorite foods. Now, I'm more than...