A wonderful roll to accompany any dinner, soft, chewy and delicious
I have a secret love affair for the combination of orange and cranberries, mix in banana and I am...
Here are the top five meatless recipes of 2011 on Foodista based on traffic. Whether you are...
Out of all the pancakes I have ever made, I have to say these are my favorite! The pancakes have a...
Pamela Anderson says her biggest fitness secret is being a mom. In fact, being active with her kids...
Wait until you see these beautiful raw, Vegan appetizers, for your New Year's Eve party. They...
I hope you'll like this easy and delicious tiramisu recipe. You can use normal mascarpone...
I bet you bought sauerkraut in the closest supermarket to make hot dogs. It is sour…mmm, very sour...
First of all let me tell you what dolmas are . Dolmas are grape leaves traditionally stuffed with a...
Using WayFare's recipe, which includes veggie burger meat and non-dairy cheese, you can enjoy...
Beets are like Cinderella, we think that they are not as delish as they are, we rarely cook them...
Stuffed mushrooms with roasted red peppers, sun-dried tomatoes, roasted garlic and Italian cheeses...
I improvised this on Saturday for a dinner party - turned out amazing! Tip : You could probably...
After stints as a vegan and a PETA spokesperson, Drew Barrymore is no longer a vegetarian. She...
I am a huge pasta fan! I try to make pasta dishes as healthy as possible because we all know that...
A tasty single serving curry, full of autumn's bounteous vegetables.
An amazingly easy vegetable side dish that goes perfectly with an Indian (or Indian inspired) meal.
Being a single college girl with limited time, I have been known to throw together things like this...
Bake + chocolate = Love, right?! You'll definitely love this recipe. I added some coconut...
This dish is one of my favorites so far. I didn't think it will be so good but trust me it...