Fresh ravioli are one of the true delights of the culinary world. Making ravioli at home is...
Feel free to use canned sauce if you don't have time to make homemade.
These slightly spicy, toasty oat treats are the perfect muse for your favorite cheese.
My fuss free and healthier approach of emulating the famed St Louis delicacy, deep fried ravioli.
This vegan broccoflower soup from Kiran Tarun is a comforting meal for any night of the week....
Spicy lemongrass soup is a light and flavorful dish that is vegan and gluten-free. Fresh...
Roasted beet and grapefruit salad with sprouts, goat cheese and pumpkin seeds. A refreshing,...
A satisfying alternative to old school pancakes. The cornmeal lends a subtle crunch to the creamy...
It’s still chilly outside and a steaming, hearty bowl of soup can really hit the spot. Make it a...
There is nothing to improve upon with pizza, unless it is this Okonomiyake, or Japanese Pizza! This...
Traveling as a vegan can be tough but with a little extra effort and know-how you can visit...
Vivienne Westwood took to her blog to talk about her own diet and how people can help to save the...
Spinach and cheese stuffed peppers are an easy and satisfying dinner option. Spinach is...
Slow Cooker split pea soup is a satisfying dish that is perfect for stress-free weeknight cooking....
This seven layer salad in a jar from Oh She Glows is a healthy lunch to take to work or bring to a...
What a wonderful, new Cooking Channel we have discovered! HealthyVegan, is making Vegan Spaghetti...
This totally delicious edamame salad will please the palettes of vegans and non-vegans alike....
Blue cheese and fig jam go together like PB&J, but you can make these savory treats with any...
Sauces transform any dish. But the creamiest, most tasty sauces are laden with fatty creams, oils...