A hearty vegetarian stew with kale, sweet potatoes, chickpeas and raisins. The broth is complex and...
A sweet and savory stuffed acorn squash that is stuffed with apples, onions and cinnamon.
Tasty, flavorful stew ideal for UN dieters and vegetarians.
Spaghetti squash with lemon and capers is a tasty side dish that you will constantly crave. ...
Eggplant is a go-to ingredient for me. It is such a versatile food and can be used in almost any...
A colorful, easy, light side dish that would be perfect with any meal.
I love thick and creamy vegetable soups. But, I don’t always love the calories. So, this week...
This dish is filling and packed with flavor. It makes the perfect vegetarian lunch or a great...
Vegetarian Taco filling that even a meat and potato's guy will love. Loaded with onions,...
Who doesn't love to dip their food into some sort of creamy, delicious treat? From sweet to...
Chick peas belong on everyone's grocery list. They are inexpensive (especially if you buy them...
Sometimes the New York Times gets a bad rep for their trend pieces, but sometimes it really is...
For nutrition, food cost, and versatility, lentils are at the top of the list. Unfortunately,...
Rachel McAdams recently admitted that she didn't quite know how to be a vegetarian and during...
A few months back I posted this recipe for Spicy Basil Lettuce Chicken Wraps. Made with PF Chang...
A simple, tasty quick bread made with lots of cheese and jalapenos. Goes perfect with a big bowl...
Rachel McAdams tried her hand at a vegetarian lifestyle but soon realized it just wasn't for...
James Cromwell was recently interviewed by Take Part to talk about his love for animals and his...
Homemade mushroom pizza is a cheap and easy way to enjoy your favorite comfort food. Nowadays...