This black bean and sweet potato soup will transport you to the tropical isles of the Caribbean...
This Peanut Butter and Jelly Bars is loaded with creamy peanut butter, gooey jam and topped with...
This moist little carrot cake cookie is a mix between a cookie and a muffin top. It's full of...
Vegetarian potstickers are a delectable way to celebrate the Chinese New Year. The filling is...
I love egg rolls. Crispy on the outside, tender and crunchy on the inside. And while I’m not...
For me, the problem with going out to a dim sum restaurant, is that it’s tough to find dumplings...
This wonderful crumble is full of berries that are swirled in maple syrup and topped with oats,...
A hearty oatmeal dish that is made with banana, whipped egg whites, drizzled with peanut butter and...
PETA and PCRM think that Paula Deen should adopt a vegan diet to manage her diabetes. Dr. Susan...
Looking to get all the flavor and satisfaction from your favorite pasta but looking to cut out the...
This delicious and light soup will fill you up without weighing you down. Carrots, ginger and...
Last week, Courtney Stodden took her dog for a jog in LA, sporting a PETA t-shirt with the...
This gourmet egg salad sandwiches is an updated version of this lunch time favorite. Instead...
This delicious comfort food is perfect for a cold winter's night. Try making your own simple...
A creamy, cheesy flavoured broccoli soup, with no fat, no cream, no cheese, and is low in calories...
A thick, slightly sweet, slightly spicy carrot peanut soup, with no dairy, fat, and is low in...
A delicious, thick and creamy soup, with no cream - a fat free, low calorie delight!
Fluffy, light, whole wheat yogurt pancakes bursting with sweet cherries with a maple cherry sauce.
Nothing like spicy hot chicken wings during football season, but who needs the calories? Get your...