Easy vegan low carb gluten free quiche packed with spinach, mushrooms and a great smoky flavor.
This Paleo Banana Bread is delicious! It’s beautiful on the outside, moist and sweet on the inside...
When you need a quick fix for dinner and you love spicy Asian noodles - this is your go to. Thai...
This delicious vegan meatball sub uses mushrooms as a base for a hearty, satisfying sandwich....
Ready for a fall flavored granola? Apples, Currants, Cinnamon and Spice. Serve it up for a...
Loaded Sweet Potatoes with Quinoa Tabbouleh. Healthy and totally vegan, these baked sweet potatoes...
Vegan Black Bean Burgers. Super quick vegan black bean burgers, packed with protein and fresh...
This homemade vegan potato pizza is loaded with simple yet flavorful ingredients! Delicious &...
North by Northwest Couscous Salad is a light and fresh with pearl couscous, fresh apricots, sweet...
Super healthy, flavor packed zucchini noodles in a fresh and tangy sun dried tomato sauce. It...
Healthy vegan soft serve ice cream or "nice cream," as it is often referred to, is the...
For me, breakfast baking is often left for the weekends. The thought of preheating the oven,...
Stuffed Peppers are my go-to dish when I want something extra special, but easy enough that it'...
Raw chocolate avocado tart is an indulgent yet healthy dessert. Avocado is the secret ...
This tropical take on quinoa salad is the perfect salad to take with you on the go. Whether...
A doughnut pan can be your best fried when trying gluten-free recipes. These chocolate cake...
An authentic and super easy Corn and black bean Salsa