A fun, non-alcoholic Grapefruit and Ginger Spritzer
Good gravy can make or break a roast dinner, this caramelized onion and red wine vegan gravy is a...
This Lemon and Edamame Bean risotto with crush pecans is a fun twist on the classic risotto. It...
Vegan Hot Chocolate Three Ways. Peppermint, Orange and Thick Italian Style with Sea Salt. Luxury...
DIY Vegan Chocolate Bark – the perfect festive gift!
A crunchy Raw Brussels Sprouts Salad with Dried Fruit! RECIPE NOTES Store in an airtight container...
Vegan Chocolate Orange Bliss Balls, a healthy indulgent snack that would also make the cutest...
Kale Orange Cranberry Salad - super-quick, loaded w/ nutritional goodness, & absolutely delish...
Foodista user Lauren Short of Lauren Caris Cooks shared a dynamite recipe for vegan meringue...
Mushroom Crostini with Harissa Hummus, perfect party finger food!
Marbled with sweet, sticky cranberry sauce, this nice cream is full of winter flavours, and is a...
Vegan Maple Mustard Roasted Carrots with Roasted Garlic Cashew Cream, perfect for a thanksgiving or...
Vegan Meringue Kisses, made using aquafaba The perfect little festive treat! These cute little...
This herb and seed tear and share bread would be perfect for a gathering or party! There’s...
A whole spiced roasted cauliflower with spicy lentils, this would make the perfect centre piece at...
Sweet potato fries with spicy almond dip is clean comfort food that you don't have to feel...
Super easy vegan pate recipe Eliminate the fear and panic that comes with finding out you have some...
Peanut Dipping Sauce - delectable Asian sauce that goes perfectly with Vietnamese summer rolls or...
After some indulgent eating over the weekend, my body needs a break. These ground cauliflower...
Today’s healthy dessert is homemade raw vegan bounty bars. They are delicious – much better than...