Here’s a delicious and easy-to-make raw vegan tart recipe. This amazing tart is ready in just a few...
Pumpkin seeds rock! They are a great on-the-go snack that are ready to eat in no time at all.
These South African biscuits are crumbly, nutty and buttery-sweet. Perfect for dunking!
Vegan marinated pumpkin salad, all of the best sweet and savoury flavours come together to make the...
Dietary restrictions are no reason to miss out on this all American food holiday. Stuffing is...
Galaxy Oats - add a galactic twist to your morning oatmeal!
Vegan Ranch Pizza, a wholewheat base topped with the creamiest vegan ranch sauce!
Spiral Seeded Protein Bread. Low carb, high fiber & protein, this bread is so delicious, so...
Vegan Chai Tea Lattes, ready in under 15 minutes!
Tofu Kebabs with Vegan Yoghurt Sauce These vegan tofu kebabs with creamy vegan yoghurt sauce are...
Vegan Tzatziki - easy & delicious dip, great for a healthy snack
Vegan Teriyaki Cauliflower Tacos. Full of fresh flavours, these are a great dinner or snack!
Garlic dry chutney is a condiment that can be made and stored for many days. It is tasty and can be...
wholesome gluten-free energy boosting granola breakfast packed with nuts and berries
Football season is here and these vegan buffalo quinoa bites are the perfect appetizer to get your...
Have you tried Ras al Hanout? A North African spice blend that's great on veggies, in couscous...