An easy broccoli and red pepper salad that is bright and colourful. A nutritious and healthy...
Healthy almond milk hot cocoa. 5 minutes & 4 ingredients is all what it takes to enjoy a cup of...
Got a cold? It's time to blast it out with this Vitamin C loaded orange Cold Buster Citrus...
These baked burgers are perfect sandwiched in a nice bun with your favourite burger extras!
This simple recipe is totally vegan and features basil, cashew nuts and avocado. Combine with your...
A nutritious kale stir fry with crispy curried tofu, perfect for a quick weeknight fix!
A thick, textured black bean soup that’s slowly simmered to be PACKED full of flavour! RECIPE NOTES...
A simple roasted cauliflower detox bowl with a creamy, tahini sauce!
Apple Crisp Energy Bites – the perfect healthy no-bake snack that tastes like heaven! With...
A bowl of this red bean soup is exactly what your body needs in cold weather. It’s healthy, fast...
alkalizing blueberry and spinach smoothie with chlorophyll, antioxidants and vitamins to boost...
100% raw, no-bake, paleo, vegan, gluten-free chocolate caramel cups made with quality dark...
These home-made truffles are 100% vegan/raw/paleo/gluten-free and totally delicious.
Vegan French Toast with Caramelised bananas and berries RECIPE NOTES French Toast recipe slightly...
Almond mint cookies are a gluten-free, vegan holiday alternative for friends and family on special...
Raspberry and Chocolate Raw Vegan Cheesecake - A simple, refined sugar free vegan dessert! RECIPE...
A delicious, sweet parsnip and apple soup, loaded with lentils and roasted vegetable crisps RECIPE...
Fluffy Spiced Chocolate and Ginger Cupcakes RECIPE NOTES Store the cupcakes in an airtight...
Vegan caramel sauce may be the best dish known I've prepared this holiday season. Forget...