These are one of those quick and easy recipes, that you can't get enough of! The best part is,...
Applesauce cake, is a slightly spicy dessert that pairs well with any winter meal. Check out this...
This is a beautiful Christmas tree cake, covered with fondant, complete with gifts. Lovely! ...
What the world needs is another cupcake shop, right? Apparently, the folks at Georgetown Cupcakes...
Bake + chocolate = Love, right?! You'll definitely love this recipe. I added some coconut...
I don't usually eat baked goodies because I'm not a huge fan of flour-based desserts but...
Working with Matcha Powder during the Christmas season is a must because it’s green! I love making...
These frog themed cupcakes are so creative! If you look closely, you might see that the frogs are...
Dessert doesn’t have to be ooey, gooey or over-the-top to satisfy your sweet tooth. You can easily...
Top Chef: Just Desserts Season 1 finalist Morgan Wilson has been indicted in federal court for one...
Pinot noir and hibiscus may sound more like a summer sangria or agua fresca recipe than cranberry...
Animals and dessert treats. What's not to love? This particuarly adorable treat tops the cake...
Making candy is always such fun. I usually have 5 sets of eyes watching my every move; and that...
White and dark chocolate bark with cranberries and pistachios. A perfect gift for your Thanksgiving...
What is better than an Oreo? Oh, that's right; an Oreo surrounded by a cupcake! Check out how...
These buttery hazelnuts cookies are perfect to enjoy anytime of the day! They are soft and slightly...
At our place, we eat cheesecake for Thanksgiving. Not any fancy, flavored variety, ours is ...
A very fragrant sweet soup with the melt-in-your yam cream and sweet pumpkin
Airport and sports stadium staple Dippin' Dots, once called "the ice cream of the future,...
A tasty alternative to the standard cookie bar, these originally called for Crisco(eww), and Lard...