Fall is just not fall without pumpkin and spice. These pumpkin spice cupcakes are moist, flavorful...
We know that we had you at the word chocolate. This is a recipe for two of our favorite flavors...
End of the summer, signals one last burst of garden bounty. If you are buried under delicious basil...
These cupcakes would be perfect for a weekend sleepover! Break out the vcr and fuzzy slippers,...
From an absolute cake genius; Yoyomax12, we just had to share these adorable rainbow cake pops with...
Sheera is an Indian dessert, flavored with ghee, bananas and sweet sugar. The crunch of nuts and...
Ask any kid, and they will say that the best cones are the sweet waffle cones. Check out just how...
From the Foodista Archives, we found this luscious new sweet craving: Strawberry Mini Donuts With...
These video game desserts let you get nostalgic about gaming history while satisfying your sweet...
The other week my son brought some cherry poppy seed cake over to our neighbors across the street....
Who says strudel has to be a dessert sweet? Check out this fabulous Strudel With Millet, that is...
June brings Peaches! This Peach Melba recipe is the perfect seasonal recipe. It highlights the...
Aren't these adorable? We love the idea of cake pops for parties, but add to that, the quirky...
Wow! Who needs more than that title, to make you crave this irresistible White Chocolate Blueberry...
I made this delicious light and airy strawberry cake on Easter Sunday. It's really a cross...
There are times when I have to restrain myself from baking more than once a day. A new cookbook, a...
We are still in awe over these beautiful felted sweet treats. Take a look at this gallery of lovely...
We love this Matcha Marble Castella Cake, from Foodista member : Anncoo. What a lovely finish...
What a fun and delicious dessert. With Love, Catherine xo
We just had to share this photo of a Lemon Meringue Tart, from Sugarspundreams. They look so bright...