These soft, sweet and chewy flapjacks are also healthy, gluten free and paleo!
Imagine soft home-baked pretzels piping hot out of the oven. Topped with your favorite everything...
The month of May is starting to get busier and busier with work, family activities and with the...
Make this creamy, hearty and vitamin packed broccoli & celery soup that will help you stay...
This creamy avocado hummus is an absolute star among dips & spreads! If you are looking for a...
Caprese salad, the Italian dish that layers fresh mozzarella with tomatoes and basil, is the...
Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with a homegrown taco party. This event does not have to be over the...
Baked & stuffed sweet potatoes have been on my to-make list for quite some time now. I finally...
This 5 Vegetables Spring Soup is easy, light, vegetarian, and perfect for any time of the year!
Often I wait until there is nothing left in the refrigerator to go grocery shopping. With that said...
The past week-end we attended a foodies cooking group party. I always enjoy attending them. The...
Barbecue season is almost here and this delicious seitan and mushroom barbecue sandwich is a recipe...
Earth Day is about taking a step back and reflecting on the impact we make on the world from the...
I have been asked quite frequently if I prepare vegetarian dishes. The first dish that came to mind...
This Apricot Rose Granola has a wonderful mix of flavors that are soft and spring-like with the...
This recipe uses a sweet and tangy rice wine vinegar, garlic, bay leaves and dry spices which you...
Black Bean Halloumi Burgers with Spiced Sweet Potato Wedges is a new way to enjoy the favorite...