Vegetarian Enchilada Stuffed Peppers are everything you love about enchiladas without the guilt!...
Ready for a fall flavored granola? Apples, Currants, Cinnamon and Spice. Serve it up for a...
This homemade vegan potato pizza is loaded with simple yet flavorful ingredients! Delicious &...
North by Northwest Couscous Salad is a light and fresh with pearl couscous, fresh apricots, sweet...
Tomato Feta Grilled Zucchini and Squash = a simple, mouthwatering combination! Low on calories...
With the sunshine out, and outdoor activities in full swing, we are all looking for quick and easy...
Calling all ice cream lovers! This No Churn Chocolate Cherry Ice Cream can be in your freezer...
This easy creamy zucchini soup is perfect for summer! It’s light, healthy and fast to make. If you...
Sweet Potato Gnocchi homemade from scratch tossed in a fragrant Garlic Sage Olive Oil. You will...
Sweet and sour rainbow vegetable skewers are a quick and easy summer side dish. This...
Super healthy, flavor packed zucchini noodles in a fresh and tangy sun dried tomato sauce. It...
Stuffed Peppers are my go-to dish when I want something extra special, but easy enough that it'...
Spicy Green Hummus: Easy & healthy recipe adds a little kick to the classic! With chick peas,...
Chinese take-out may have limited options for non-meat eaters but when you cook at home you can...
Grilled cheese stuffed mini bell peppers are an easy summer side dish. A blend of goat cheese...
This tropical take on quinoa salad is the perfect salad to take with you on the go. Whether...
Smokey speck and sharp cheddar cheese give this Speck Ham Cheesy Cauliflower dish a wonderfully...
Vegan buttermilk fried "chicken" is a meat-free version of this classic Southern dish....
Vegan mac n' cheese is a delicious way to enjoy this classic comfort food without using any...
Lighter eating, fresh taste, interesting new ways to put familiar foods together, the upcoming book...