Crispy coconut tofu fries will satisfy vegetarians and meat-eaters alike. This Asian inspired...
This spinach dip will knock the socks of your guests at any party. Instead of the high fat...
Burger and fries? Please. There is something tastier: The Torta. The Mexican sandwich. Usually...
Tofu "egg" salad is a vegetarian dish packed with protein. Firm tofu is chopped...
Just about out of the oven and 2 pieces are gone. Three of us are here, but I am the only one who...
Peanut and tofu noodles are an Asian inspired meatless meal. Whole wheat spaghetti is tossed...
Spicy grilled tofu and kale salad from Get Off Your Tush and Cook is a healthy summer meal....
With the summer approaching, you're probably looking for lighter recipes. This tofu and...
Not all noodles are created equal! Tofu Shirataki noodles are not only low on the glycemic index...
We love the spicy and bold flavors of Korean barbecue but have been eating less meat these days. So...
To celebrate National Soy Foods Month, Chef Jet Tila shares 5 tofu tips with Foodista readers....
We love Caesar Salad, but we don't love the high calorie dressing that is often used. Cooking...
People often assume that tofu is bland and tasteless. This recipe for sesame seared tofu says...
Take a break from chicken noodle soup and make this vegetarian hot and sour soup instead. ...
Vegan nachos from A House in the Hills is Superbowl snack that everyone can munch on. Yellow...
If you are recovering for a cold or just the holiday season, this rejuvenating lemongrass and...
Vegan tofu scramble can be enjoyed for breakfast or dinner. Cubes of firm tofu are sauteed...
If you are celebrating Thanksgiving vegetarian style, this homemade Tofurkey is a must-make main...
'Tis the season for dinner and cocktail parties, but that doesn't mean you have to...
I'm sharing a very simple dish using 4 main ingredients ~ tofu, minced pork, century egg and...