I love my slow cooker. It is the easiest way to make dinner. Just put everything in the cooker, set...
Taste the flavors of the Middle East with these gluten-free baked falafel from The Copycat Cook....
Dunk your pita in hummus with harissa from The Kitchen of Oz. This quick and easy recipe is...
This radical roasted red pepper hummus is so easy to make, you'll be whipping it up all...
This gluten-free version of lasagna from I Breathe I'm Hungry is a must-have recipe. ...
These meatless Mexican tacos shared by Betty Crocker may not be authentic but they sure are...
This spicy Moroccan chickpea spaghetti from Daily Unadventures in Cooking is an interesting twist...
This quick chana masala is Indian food made easy. We are often intimidated by Indian food and...
This 30 minute stew is easily thrown together with simple ingredients, and tastes as though it has...
During the wintertime, take advantage of hearty greens and dense vegetables. There are so...
Nothing like spicy hot chicken wings during football season, but who needs the calories? Get your...
Citrus is winter's seasonal fruit. You will find crates of giant oranges, beautiful...
Moroccan stew is the perfect winter meal. It is warm, satisfying, and full of flavor. ...
This warm and spicy Indian chickpea stew can be on the dinner table any night of the week. ...
Chickpeas are a versatile bean that can be enjoyed as a snack, soup, salad, and more. Whether...
Since you loved my previous post on different hummus recipes, I decided to do another round up of...
Hummus is an easy dip that can be made year round with the help of a food processor or blender (or...
Ptitim or Israeli couscous is a staple in many Jewish households. The small pearl shaped...
I was inspired by Meatless Monday to make this recipe. For those of you who don't know,...