A truly divine, luscious cake with a "WOW" presentation. Super moist, dense, and flavorful. Your...
In order to decorate, set about one cup of the frosting aside if you wish to add decorations to...
Frosted cupcakes or cake should be refrigerated before serving. If you let them sit out too long,...
A no-fail one-bowl cake that will not disappoint! Adapted from Betty Crocker.
This is a very old recipe of my mother's and is on the lighter side. Chopped walnuts sprinkled at...
Note: In hot weather, use 2 lbs 10 ounces (1.19 kg) of butter and 6 ounces (710 g) of hi-ratio...
Great on pumpkin spice cake from Country Living
Coconut oil tends to melt in warm weather, so this recipe isn't optimal for dishes that will be...
DO NOT OVERBEAT THE EGG WHITES! Whip until they just reach the stiff peak stage- if overbeaten,...