A splash of color with turn any cupcake from looking ordinary to extra special. Piping...
Rich, decadent cookies topped with walnut halves and chocolate frosting. View the full post here:...
Ginger and pumpkin go so well together and there is nothing so sublime as a creamy frosting to top...
Delicious almond cupcakes filled with a sweet and tart figgy filling and topped with cream cheese...
I came across this recipe for pumpkin-spice cake and knew it would fit the bill. The problem was...
This rainbow sprinkle cake from Beyond Frosting is an over-the-top dessert. While this cake...
Just about out of the oven and 2 pieces are gone. Three of us are here, but I am the only one who...
Funfetti sugar cookies are a fabulous treat from Chez CateyLou. Buttery sugar cookies are...
Vanilla buttercream will turn any cake (or cupcake) from ordinary to extraordinary. This luscious...
Coffee crunch cake from Treats is a crazy good dessert. This lemon vanilla layer cake is...
What better way to frost those Mint Julep Cupcakes, than with Mint Julep Butter cream frosting...
These rainbow frosted from Sprinkles Bakes are the ultimate colorful confection. ...
An easy chocolate frosting recipe is a must-have for any baker. It can be your go-to frosting...
Delicious, dense and rich carrot cake enrobed in fluffy, velvety cream cheese frosting. Heaven in...
Inspired by Valentine's Day and her own "year of love," Erica of Erica's Sweet...
These red velvet twinks are chock-filled with a delectable delicious cream cheese frosting. The...