Imagine a steamy bowl of this delicious vegetarian chili after a day of holiday shopping! We think...
Inspired by the flavors of Mexico, this Devilish Manhattan is the perfect cocktail to celebrate Dia...
What's more comforting on a cold fall night than a piping hot bowl of chili? This black bean...
I love recipes that only require prep and clean up and crock-pot recipes are perfect for a cool...
White chili frito pie is perfect game day food. This quick and easy chicken chili is flavored...
Lemongrass, chilies and coriander sprigs (including stems) create an aromatic broth in which to...
This hearty chili has a mild flavor, perfect for families with kids. It's easy to customize...
Tomatillo turkey chili from Tasty Eats at Home is guaranteed to warm you up on cool fall evenings....
Slow cooker steak chili from Mother Rimmy's Cooking Light Done Right will comfort you...
Vegetarian chili is guaranteed to warm you up on cool fall evenings. This recipe is loaded...
With the weather cooling and fall just around the corner, we are beginning to imagine a pot of...
Delicious chili with tons of veggies, meat, beans and spices coming together in a perfect harmony
You can never go wrong with a recipe that involves a slow cooker. All you have to do is combine the...
Slow cooker chili lime chicken from The Well Floured Kitchen is a full-flavored meal. While...
Who wouldn't want to try a few of these spicy-sweet chocolate truffles? They have a hit of heat...
This is a cross between chicken tortilla soup and white bean chili and dished up in clay bowls that...
On October 9th, 2012, Tropical Foods had its Flavors of the Fall Recipe Contest with the culinary...
Dark chocolate makes this delicious Chili con Carne recipe taste extra special! Watch the video and...
Chili garlic Asian fried chicken is addicting finger food. Chicken legs and thighs are breaded and...