Healthy and delicious fried egg and avocado on toast.
Start your day off right with this fantastic Sweet Potato Pinto Bean Breakfast Taco. Say goodbye to...
Although the colour of this avocado dip can look a bit off-putting due to the mustard, try some as...
This Avocado Cucumber Salsa tastes so good that it will become your favourite appetiser in no time.
Quick, easy, on-the-go vegan salad jars are perfect for preparing packed lunches ahead, so you can...
This simple recipe is totally vegan and features basil, cashew nuts and avocado. Combine with your...
This nourishing Buddha bowl is a light and nutrient rich meal. It’s perfect for a quick lunch and...
The avocado burger is extremely easy to make and turns a boring burger into a delicious, fresh...
Vegan Teriyaki Cauliflower Tacos. Full of fresh flavours, these are a great dinner or snack!
This sweet and savory Mango Guacamole Recipe is the perfect accompaniment for Mexican Night! With...
Raw chocolate avocado tart is an indulgent yet healthy dessert. Avocado is the secret ...
Packed with protein, good fats & vitamins not only fills you up but gives you the much needed...
1-½ tablespoons Dijon Mustard ¼ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice (2 lemons) 4 to 5 tablespoons good...
This tropical take on quinoa salad is the perfect salad to take with you on the go. Whether...
Summer break is finally here, YES!!! Finally, lazy mornings are back! I love summer. I will...
Avocado can add a beautiful splash of color to any meal. Colette Dike, founder of Food Deco,...
This creamy avocado hummus is an absolute star among dips & spreads! If you are looking for a...
My first introduction to smoothie bowls was on the streets of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. ...
I have been asked quite frequently if I prepare vegetarian dishes. The first dish that came to mind...