Tofu "egg" salad is a vegetarian dish packed with protein. Firm tofu is chopped...
Grilled vegetable and pineapple salad from Living the Gourmet is a healthy way to enjoy summer'...
What better way to get a healthy tasting treat than to add a bit of seasonal veg? We love this...
Vegan quesadillas are a quick and easy meatless meal. Whole wheat vegan tortillas are...
Here are 3 Delightful Vegan Muffins that are tender and moist without the addition of milk or eggs...
Lentil lettuce cups from Vegan Yumminess is a healthy Tex-Mex meal. Onions, bell pepper, and...
While the omnivore may have crab cakes, the vegetarian can indulge with these crispy cauliflower...
When a vegan is craving something rich and creamy with their dessert, they turn to cashew cream....
Grilled peaches with homemade blueberry ice cream from The Health Seeker's Kitchen is healthy...
We could all benefit from more vegetables in our diet. This snap pea slaw from 80twenty is...
Whether you are a vegan or not, you'll swoon over these delicious cinnamon roll pancakes from...
Go light for you next dinner with a Vegan Quinoa Salad. Not only is it animal-free, this salad is...
Red velvet cake and healthy do not usually go hand in hand but Desserts with Benefits has managed...
Grilled Portobello and poblano tacos are a vegetarian summer meal that will even please meat eaters...
High Jackman is considering going vegan after being on the diet that helped give him his crazy...
Vegan sushi is a meatless meal option that everyone will love. An assortment of fresh...
Cold soups aren't given enough credit. While they may not posses the same healing effects...
This lentil and walnut salad from Delicious Vitality is a meatless meal packed with nutrition....
This unique and tasty dip recipe from Living the Gourmet combines the savory flavors of garlic and...
This caprese wrap from LeMoine Family Kitchen is a quick and easy vegetarian meal. Slices of...