Chipotle ketchup will add a kick of flavor to any burger, hot dog, or side of fries. This...
Cooking Classy shares a recipe for one of her favorite dessert recipes with Foodista readers....
These salmon tacos are a sizzling Mexican dish. Wild Alaskan salmon is seasoned with chili...
Turkey taco bowls from A Farm Girl Dabbles are a healthy way to enjoy Mexican food. Cilantro...
Margaritas are essential for any Cinco de Mayo celebration. Margarita ice cream from The...
Ooey, gooey, and cheesy, queso fundido is a must-have appetizer for Cinco de Mayo. This recipe...
Migas (or migas con huevos) is a wonderful and simple Mexican breakfast of scrambled eggs and...
Taquitos make for the perfect Cinco de Mayo appetizer. Corn tortillas are filled with chicken...
Valley Girls is the uncommon name for an extremely delicious soda syrup. As I find in life,...
For many of us, Cinco de Mayo means one thing - margaritas. This low calorie version let'...
Chipotle's corn salsa is a must-have on your taco, burrito, or bowl. This copycat recipe...
Kick off Cinco de Mayo weekend with a Mexican inspired breakfast. Huevos Rancheros will...
This hearty Mexican breakfast scramble is made with machaca, eggs, tomatoes, and a kick of spicy...
Tacos are a must-have at any Cinco de Mayo fiesta. These are made on the lighter side with...
Carnitas, or Mexican pulled pork, are a tasty filling for tacos. Pork shoulder is cooked low and...
Homemade flan always has a place at the table on Cinco de Mayo. Learn how to make this Mexican...
Chilaquiles is a traditional Mexican breakfast that is absolutely dynamite. Sliced bits of...
If Cinco de Mayo were every day I would be one happy señorita! I love Mexican food that much. So...
Pico de gallo is a fresh and easy Mexican salsa. Chunks of tomatoes are marinated in lime...
Churros and flan are classic Cinco de Mayo treats but mix it up this year and make these avocado...