Looking for an easy chicken recipe to add to your weeknight dinner repertoire? Add this delicious...
We love tilapia for its versatility and cheap sticker price. For just a few dollars you can enjoy...
Get the tasty flavors of enchiladas without the hassle of the prep in this easy chicken enchilada...
This paleo margarita recipe gets back to the purest, simplest flavors of a classic margarita, with...
Traditional chile rellenos are not the easiest things to make, but you can get the same flavors in...
Chris from Cook with Fire says his Pasta on the Border dish started out as a burrito, or enchilada...
This tasty tortilla soup is the perfect meal to use up some of that leftover turkey. After all the...
The only thing better than a chicken burrito is a fried chicken burrito. Chicken chimichangas...
Load up on superfood quinoa with these veggie-stuffed enchiladas from The Garden Grazer, featuring...
Inspired by the flavors of Mexico, this Devilish Manhattan is the perfect cocktail to celebrate Dia...
Even though the Halloween festivities have come to a close, Nov. 1st marks the beginning of the...
Celebrate Halloween with a delicious and refreshing blood orange margarita. After taking the...
Taco Bell has expanded into desserts with the release of their DIY chocolate taco kit. ...
Slow cooker chicken fajitas from Living Low Carb only requires five ingredients. Chicken,...
Tomatillo turkey chili from Tasty Eats at Home is guaranteed to warm you up on cool fall evenings....
Today is National Taco Day and we're celebrating with these delicious Tacos de Chivo (Goat...
Chicken and pumpkin enchiladas from How Crazy Cooks are a favorite fall meal. Pumpkin puree...
Mexican spiced shredded chicken is an all purpose ingredient that be used in a number of dishes....
In anticipation of the fourth annual Food & Wine All-Star Weekend in Las Vegas, we'll be...
Salsa verde is a fresh no-cook Mexican sauce that's good with just about anything. This...