Empanadas are a popular dish in many Central and South American countries during Christmas time....
I love a good leftover recipe and this ham and spinach quiche is a quick and easy meal that...
Ginger Tangerine Tart Courtesy of Mary's Gone Crackers Ingredients: Crust: 1 3/4...
Overnight French toast is an easy way to enjoy a decadent breakfast the next day without stress or...
Hungry Happenings is a baking blog known for making fun and creative treats like these awesome 3D...
Leaving a plate of cookies for Santa is an annual tradition in our house. Some families offer...
Cornbread is a treasured dish in the American South and each family has their own secret recipe....
No matter the occasion, brownies are always welcomed to the table. Chocolate peppermint...
The classic gingersnap cookie gets even snappier with the addition of bourbon and pink peppercorns...
Winter means many many things. Ice skating, holiday shopping, lighting the fireplace and of course...
Challah, a rich golden yellow bread is usually apart of the Hanukkah table. This braided...
Spicy Cheddar Crackers Makes 384 small crackers All-purpose...
Latkes along with other fried fritters served on Hanukkah signifies the miracle of the menorah...
Pfeffernüsse (also pfeffernuesse, peppernoder, or peppernuts in English) are little European spiced...
One of the things we love about the holiday season is a decadent chocolate bark topped with a...
Marshmallow Fudge Bark Recipe from Jelly Toast Chocolate Almond Butter Cups Recipe from...
Chocolate and peppermint are a classic holiday flavor combination and a cheesecake is the perfect...
Alice Medrich is known for being the queen of all things sweet and in her newest cookbook, Flavor...
What is Christmas without a plate of gingerbread cookies? For those of us who have chosen to...
If you are anything like me, gingerbread, ginger cake, gingerbread cookies are must-haves...