Soft pretzels were always one of my favorite childhood snacks. Soft, chewy pretzels studded with poppy seeds, onions or just plain, dipped in cheesy nacho or spicy mustard sauce -- what's not to love? Living gluten free, those soft breads tend to be the most difficult to bake -- gluten is the essential elastic ingredient in keeping dough soft and pliable, helping bread to rise and become bubbly, creating that thick crunchy crust on French bread. All that said, so many great strides have been made in the past few years, that even such recipes like puff pastry and pate a choux are possible, gluten free! Here are my 3 favorite gluten free soft pretzel recipes, perfect for snacking!
Healthy Soft Pretzels
Packed with chia and flax seeds for added protein and fiber, these epic pretzels are amazingly delicious.
Dairy Free Soft Pretzels
Gluten free, dairy free and so good you would never be able to tell! These pretzels are pre-boiled in a traditional baking soda bath before baking for extra awesomeness.
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