Leslie Goldman, AKA the Enchanted Gardener, has created a petition to encourage the president, food czar, and secretary of agriculture to schedule a showing of Farmageddon at the White House.
This is a brilliant idea, because there is a war on small farmers, and organics are getting lost in the shuffle with all of the genetically modified foods being introduced into the food supply. Not only would this be an opportunity to open a few eyes, but it would create a massive amount of publicity for the doc.
I personally don't believe that this will change the minds of too many heads of Monsanto, but perhaps the public will become more informed and outraged. This could lead to them making significantly different choices at the grocery store.
Films like Farmageddon, Food Inc, and Fast Food Nation are important, because they help connect people to where their food comes from.
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September 5, 2011
Our President made a promised to have All Foods with (GMO'S) be marked....
Just another LIE... From The Liar-in-Chief....!
September 5, 2011
This is a critical movie that needs to be seen.
September 6, 2011
When I can finally buy the DVD I'll be buying one for my congressman and one for one of my senators.