Willie Nelson sings, Coldplay's "The Scientist," for a short film which poignantly...
Leslie Goldman, AKA the Enchanted Gardener, has created a petition to encourage the president, food...
Raising our own chickens for meat is second nature to us on our farm. It just makes sense to move...
Farm Aid was an amazing experience for this country girl. It has been a long time since I have been...
Antibiotic resistant bacteria is becoming an epidemic, and one theory is that it's due to the...
This hilarious "Bite Size Movie", asks the question, "where were you when the GMOs...
Congress will vote on the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Opportunity Act of 2011, in September. This...
It looks like the battle over raw milk has gone mainstream. Check out Stephen Colbert's...
Ireland joins Egypt and Japan in banning genetically modified crops. There will also be a new GM-...
270,000 organic farmers are standing up to the massive bully and big Ag giant, Monsanto. The battle...
Wednesday, Monsanto filed a federal lawsuit in Pittsburgh against Harold Steve Wiser Jr and...