Food Matters recently asked a variety of experts including scientists, doctors, and farmers one simple question. "What foods do you avoid?" Their answers were not based on nutritional value, but rather on their inside information about how products are packaged, grown, mancufactured, etc. As a nutritionist, I agree with this entire list. Here is my take on it, and for the experts POV, click here.
Canned Tomatoes
The cans are lined with plastic which contains BPA (bisphenol-A) and since tomatoes are acidic it breaks the BPA down into a level that can only be considered toxic. Tomatoes are quite easy to chop and cook, but if you are really in a hurry go for sauces found in glass jars.
Conventional Beef
The bottom line, cows are genetically designed to eat grass. When they are fed wheat, corn, and soy, the end product will always be nutritionally inferior, and even pro-inflammatory. So go for grass-fed beef which contains a much higher amount of omega-3 fatty acids along with CLA, which is another beneficial fatty acid.
Microwave Popcorn
Perflurooctanoic acid (PFOA) lines the bags and when microwave this toxic chemical leaches directly into the popcorn. Popcorn is easy to make on the stove top, and it's especially delicious with coconut oil.
Conventional Potatoes
Potatoes are one of the most heavily sprayed crops, and they are already not the healthiest food due to their high sugar content. At least if you choose organic, you aren't going to get hit with both a spike in blood sugar and excess work for the liver (pesticides).
Farmed Salmon
This is actually one of the most disgusting foods available. These fish are fed pellets made of soy, chicken feathers, and other junk that a fish should never eat. The farmed variety are also quite low in omega-3 fatty acids, which is one of the key benefits of eating salmon. Always go for wild!
Conventional Milk
This is another chemical nightmare, between the toxic food that they eat and the antibiotics and hormones, this is essentially a toxic soup for your body. If you can't find locally produced grass-fed milk, at least go for the organic variety.
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