Sheri Wetherell

Hello! I'm the co-founder and CEO of, and creator of the International Food Blogger Conference (IFBC). I grew up surrounded by food on both sides of my family. My paternal grandmother owned a diner for many years, and my maternal grandmother (and mother of five daughters) was always found in the kitchen baking or whipping up garden-fresh tomato juice. My mother instilled in me the importance of healthy, wholesome eating and fed the entire family homemade soups, breads, and fresh carrot juice. Through my grandmothers, mother, and numerous travels overseas, I developed my love of food. I honed my palate and taste for travel by hopping planes with my airline pilot father, spent nearly a year studying in Italy and traveling in Greece, and taught English in Tokyo for three years. My professional background is in traditional and online marketing, where I worked for companies such as, Microsoft, Nordstrom, and eBay. With I have finally found my true passion - immersion in the world of food. I'm also the proud mama of daughter Emery.


Organization memberships:
Les Dames d'Escoffier - Seattle Chapter
International Association of Culinary Professionals (IACP)

Contact me here.

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Posts by Sheri Wetherell

March 2, 2009

I used to be nearly "spicy intolerant" - meaning, I could barely look at a jalapeno pepper without my eyes watering. Now I crave spicy foods and dump chipotle salsa in copious quantities on my food...

March 1, 2009

I don't quite remember where or when I discovered chilaquiles, but it was many years ago in Mexico and I remember thinking (or more likely exclaiming out loud), "Tortilla chips for...

February 26, 2009

Ceviche de Pulpo

  We don't eat much octopus in the U.S., which frankly is a darn shame. My guess is that we shy away from it because of its large tentacles, something that can be daunting. But fear not!...

February 23, 2009

Photo: pink_fish13 I return home from work (hungry), check the mailbox and find my newest issue of Gourmet magazine. There on the cover is a delicious grilled sandwich bulging with juicy ham, its...

February 22, 2009

Chicken Tagine With Preserved Lemons And Olives

Chicken is one of those foods I like to refer to as "blank slate" foods. It takes on a multitude of flavors wonderfully, as in this dish, and is equally delicious simply roasted with lemon...

February 21, 2009

I was perusing the seafood section at Uwajimaya the other day when I spied the sample table. I edged closer and saw that it was caviar. Caviar! Now that's the kind of sample table I can hang around!...

February 18, 2009

Our poor barbecues. During the warmer months they barely have a chance to cool down before we're firing them up again. Then, before you know it the weather changes and the grill sits cold and lonely...

February 17, 2009

Photo: Charkesw We've got our noses to the grindstone working hard to make things even more fun for you at Foodista! Our newest feature is the ability to make a recipe Personal - meaning no one but...

February 16, 2009

What kind of food lover am I?! I completely missed Chinese New Year this year!  Next year I swear I'll do better (and it's on Valentine's Day, so I know I won't miss it). I had...

February 14, 2009

Molten Chocolate Cakes

What is sexier than yummy gooey chocolate? I've always loved molten chocolate cake - partly because of the oh-my-this-is-so-flippin'-good factor, as well as its neat little individual size....

February 10, 2009

I'd written before about The 44 after being inspired by a March 2008 article about the drink in Saveur. But soon after we packed it up and moved back to Seattle, so I never actually completed the...

February 9, 2009

When we were starving college students in Italy (starving because we spent all our money on weekend get-a-ways and clothes at Benetton) my friends and I would sit for hours in one of the little...

February 5, 2009

I am constantly buying fresh herbs in those expensive plastic clam shell packs, especially in the winter. And, unfortunately, I usually end up throwing most of them away because I don't use them...

February 4, 2009

No matter how good we are in the kitchen there are always new things we can learn, right? Perhaps you want to explore Southern Indian or Provincial Italian cooking, or how about the art of cheese...

February 3, 2009


Photo: EuroMagic I was getting ready this morning and half listening to the Today Show when I heard the discussion of misdiagnosed food allergies in children. My niece and nephews (as well as their...

February 2, 2009

Put down what you were doing, grab a glass of wine or cup of tea, take a cleansing deep breath, and have a seat. Are you with me? Good. We all need to slow it down a bit more now and then, don't we...

February 1, 2009

It's Super Bowl Sunday! Which usually means a gluttonous dose of spicy chicken wings, greasy BBQ meatballs, and cheesy nachos. If you're looking for some healthier options this year, or just want to...

January 30, 2009

I love my job. I get to talk and write about food all day. I can spend hours chopping, slicing, dicing, stirring, then carefully plating, styling, photographing my creations. But sometimes, like...

January 28, 2009

When I heard the UPS truck outside this morning I knew what it was delivering: my new copy of The Flavor Bible: The Essential Guide To Culinary Creativity, Based On The Wisdom Of America's Most...

January 27, 2009

green curry chicken salad

This is a fun twist on the classic curried chicken salad. It's brighter and lighter with the apples and lime juice, and more flavorful with the lemongrass in the curry. The chilies in the curry...

January 26, 2009

cold smoked tuna

I've started smoking. No, not cigarettes, but food. I wrote before about the electric smoker I gave Barnaby for his birthday in December and we've been going crazy throwing down various...

January 24, 2009

Photo by: Stewart I'm an omnivore, but I do have certain rules around what I consume. For example, I'll never eat anything I've ever had as a pet (although twice I inadvertently ate horse in France...

January 23, 2009

While at the Sundance Film Festival I had the pleasure of sitting down with Bethenny Frankel, celebrity chef and co-host of Chefdance, the culinary "Alt Dance" of the Festival. But she...

January 22, 2009

Food and film go hand in hand. "Date Night" for many usually means dinner and a movie. This last week at the Sundance Film Festival we saw a lot of movies (14!) and managed to squeak in a...

January 21, 2009

We Americans have an unhealthy relationship with water. Bottled water, that is. We think we're being healthy and sporty by carrying our fancy little bottles of mountain-spring-flown-in-from-France...
